Call for Entry for the Rome Scholarship

Call for entry to the Rome Scholarship

The Royal Society of British Artists is able to offer this major scholarship as a result of a generous bequest from the late Mr. G H Benn in memory of his late wife Marianne Von Werther, a former member of the RBA. The prize is presented with a view to offer an enriching learning experience for a young emerging artist as well as augmenting their professional profile.

The Award Offers:
Four weeks at Sala Uno, a highly prestigious gallery and international arts centre in the heart of Rome
Accommodation is in a self-contained apartment, situated within a wonderful and extensive walled garden in the grounds of the gallery
Studio space will be available within the gallery
Half-board. Breakfast and evening meal, is provided at a nearby restaurant
Return flights to Rome are paid for

For details and Application Form go to the Rome Scholarship Page