Late Summer News


Guy Portelli collected handprints of musicians who played at the Isle of Wight Festival in 68, 69 & 70 and the work was shown at Gallery Different until 20th July.  The work is not finished yet as he still has a number of handprints to go – Andy Roberts from Liverpool Scene who played in 69 & 70 was photographed with his hand on his hand:

The piece will be at The Million Dollar Bash – an event celebrating 50 years since the IOW stole Bob Dylan from Woodstock…this takes place on 31st August with a ‘cracking’ line up!! Maybe members might like a trip to re-live their youth at the Festival?
The info on the work is at

Jacqueline Taber had 3 pictures in the Colchester Arts Society Summer Exhibition at the Minories, High Street, Colchester.
This took place in July

Frederick Cuming will be taking part in the following shows this year:

“Igniting Sight” group show at Sladers Yard, Bridport
from 6th July – 8th September,
Bridge Point Studios in Rye, East Sussex
from 13th September – 15th October,
Adam Gallery, solo show opening in London & then showing
in Bath during September

Austin Cole had two of his landscape prints accepted for the Westmorland Landscape Prize exhibition to be held in Penrith in September

Richard Sorrell is exhibiting at The Table gallery throughout August

The Table, 43 Lion Street, Hay on Wye, HR3 5AA
Thursday – Saturday 10-4 or by appointment

Callum Stannard, sculptor, one of our newer RBA members and one of the RBA’s original RISING STARS, is now being represented by:
Braxted Park Road
Tiptree (near Great Braxted)
Colchester, CO5 0QB, UK

News from our RBA RISING STARS, past and present:

Blaze Cyan:  Arboreal solo exhibition of etchings, drawings, woodcuts and wood engravings at:
Leith Hill Place: Leith Hill Lane, Leith Hill, Surrey, RH5 6LY

Exhibition: Friday 30th August – Sunday 27th October 2019
Opening Times: Friday – Sunday: 11am – 5pm
Meet the Artist & wood engraving demo: Sat 21st Sept 11-30am-3pm
Meet the Artist & wood engraving demo: Sun 6th Oct 11-30am-3pm

Georgina Lowbridge had a painting selected for the Wells Contemporary Art Exhibition, which took place at the Bishops Palace, Wells, Somerset

Charlie Schaffer, the winner of this year’s BP Portrait Award, led an exhibition tour of this year’s exhibition in July.  He also gave a talk with fellow exhibitor, Vanessa Garwood, talking about a few of their favourite paintings within the exhibition as well as their own, along with a Q&A session

Natalia Glinoer, Rome Scholarship winner in 2017, has now completed her year at The Heatherley School of Fine Art and showed her work in the Graduates’ Exhibition in July:

Teresa Hunyadi, Rome Scholarship winner 2018, has a new solo exhibition “Places of Comfort”, an exhibition conceived
to be experienced by touch and sight
until the 18th August at:
The Patriothall Gallery
WASPS Scotland,
Stockbridge, Edinburgh, EH2 5AY

Alex J Wood was recently filmed in his studio and at TV studios creating new work for a TV programme called ‘The Object of Art’.  He has also been working on a new bronze sculpture called ‘Blow Out!’ which is based on the old oil fields at Venice Beach in California and combines multiple patinas onto the surface of the bronze

Still from the filming of ‘The Object of Art’

“Blow Out”