Minerva 2018

The Japanese Company Qualiart, held their MINERVA 2018 show at the Mall Galleries at the end of July. Nick Tidnam, Mick Davies and the RBA Council were their special invited guests and they met many of the exhibiting artists.
President Nick Tidnam welcomed the artists and his speech was warmly greeted. (See above)

Mr Kushida, the President of Qualiart, opened the show and, despite the sweltering heat outside, the exhibition was very well received. A few of the artists talked about their work and explained their techniques to the audience. Special speaker was Miyuki Hasekura, an acclaimed Japanese author, artist and poet, and special guest was Hosen Nakamura, the Honorary RBA Overseas Member, who recently had an exhibition of her calligraphy at the Leyden Gallery in London.

Midori Murakami

Hosen Makamura, Hon RBA [Overseas]

Koki Sato

Shinko Oiwa [with Nick, Mick and Mr Kushida]

Miyuki Hasekura

The President and Vice President were ceromonially presented with gifts

An exciting moment

They were shown how to wear their Japanese ‘lounge wear’

Proudly displaying the beautiful MINERVA 2018 catalogue, which features the RBA and the Council as well as the Japanese artists