RBA Newsletter January 2022

Carole Griffin tells us that she has completed 2 large commissions for “foreign royalty” and Dry Red Press have selected one of her paintings from the last RBA show for their new range of cards. 

Along with other RBA members, Carole is also included in the Russell Gallery Mixed Christmas Show which continues until the 5th February:

Richard Cook

The Jackson’s Painting Prize 2022 have selected Honorary RBA member Shanti Panchal as one of their “…expert judges and leading figures in the contemporary art world” to select works to be showcased in their competition this year:

Shanti Panchal

We have exciting news from some of our RBA RISING STARS:

Sculptor Poppy Field tells us that as part of its 150th anniversary celebrations, the Royal Albert Hall has commissioned her to sculpt Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Philip for the South Porch of the building.  The bronze figures will be life size and on permanent display from some time this year

Blaze Cyan was elected to the Society of Wood Engravers in October and tells us that she is now represented by Eames Fine Art gallery in Bermondsey, south London.

Habib Hajallie has been commissioned by Facebook to create 4 artworks in a series called ‘Pioneers’ – people who have influenced society and brought about massive positive changes, yet are perhaps not that well known.  This series includes Dame Jocelyn Barrow [instrumental in bringing about the Race Relations Act], and British-Mexican artist Mary Leonora Carrington, OBE [a founding member of the women’s liberation movement in Mexico during the 1970’s].  These works will be printed onto wallpaper and installed in Facebook’s new London headquarters early this year.

Habib also had a work included in The Royal Miniatures Society exhibition at the Mall Galleries in December and another shortlisted for the Barbican Arts Group Trust Open 2021.

Ethan Caflisch had a residency at Pada in Barreiro, Portugal in the summer of 2020 and has now produced a body of work titled “Run through the tape” which stemmed from this residency:

Ethan’s work was on view at the Tappan Collective in Los Angeles.

Minyoung Choi has two works in the Hive Center for Contemporary Art in Beijng in a group exhibition “A Couple of: The Dual-mechanism of the New Generation of Asian Artists” until January 20, 2022.  The exhibition features “27 cutting-edge Asian artists from around the world, presenting their most recent works”.

Chris Polunin had two works included in the Mixed Christmas Show at the Russell Gallery and all works can still be seen online: 

Alex J Wood has some of his idiosyncratic bronzes and paintings now on show for 3 months or so at Paul Smith’s flagship store on Albermarle Street in Mayfair:

The RBA wishes everyone lots of good wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Creative New Year!