2019 February News

Richard Sorrell has a show called “Things I Have Noticed” on the 5th February at:
Panter & Hall Gallery
22 Cecil Court

Necklace by Richard Sorrell

The5th is the ‘Meet the artist day’ and Richard will be at thegallery then. 
The exhibition continues until 16th February, daily from 10am – 6pm

Richard Sorrell is also planning a painting/drawing holiday in May on the Calabria coast and invites other members to join him.  Please let me know if you would like further information and I will pass your details on to Richard

Anthony Lester, FRBA, has written a 4-page article for the February issues of ‘Antique Collecting’ to celebrate the 120th Annual Exhibition of The Pastel Society

Annie Boisseau  has work in the upcoming Pastel Society Exhibition at the Mall Galleries.  The show runs from 5th – 16th February
Annie Boisseau has also had a painting selected for the:
RWS 2019 Contemporary Watercolour Competition
Bankside Gallery
8th – 20th March

Andrew Marr Hon RBA with Adrian Hemming is showing: ‘Fragments and Drawings’
at Thrown
Highgate Contemporary Art (Ground Floor),
26 Highgate High Street,
London N6 5JG
The show is on from 1st February – 24th February

Mick Davies will be travelling to Japan once more on the 14th – 21st February when he will be opening Qualiart’s MINERVA exhibition in Tokyo and he is the Guest of Honour at the Japanese version of their RISING STARS exhibition at the Imperial Museum, also in Tokyo, where he will be judging and awarding prizes

Mick Davies has also been invited to contribute a work to The Chelsea Arts Club Exhibition at the Chelsea & Westminster hospital, which starts on the 12th February and continues for a few months

Rome Scholarship applications have now closed with another record entry ofover 150 young artists.  From these, the Education Committee will beselecting 20 to show their work at the RBA RISING STARS Exhibition atthe Royal Over-Seas League in April.  Alongside these will be the 21Star Students they have selected from The Arts Society’s regional entries.