RBA Autumn Newsletter

Here is some of the good news we have to share:

Cheryl Culver has a 4 page article in the August edition of The Artist Magazine:

Cheryl has also achieved a contract with the National Trust to supply 4 small mounted Giclee prints of her work for the Visitors Centre Shop at the White Cliffs of Dover – she was in action demonstrating her work there on the 20th August

Cheryl 3 (Small)

Looking ahead, Cheryl also has 2 works in the RSMA Exhibition, which will take place at the Mall Galleries September 22nd – 1st October

Malcolm Taylor had work shown in the Summer Exhibition: Painting & Sculpture at the Moncrieff-Bray Gallery in Petworth – the exhibition is still online here:

Kirsten Van Schreven tells us that her etching “The Last Lighthouse” was selected for the Chianciana Biennale in Siena and the show runs until the 28th August at the Muséo d’Arte, Chianciano Terme.


Kirsten (Small)

John Sprakes has a new book: “Drawing towards Abstraction”

It is available from https://www.ypdbooks.com/773__martha’s-press or direct from John basprakes@gmail.com at £35.00 plus £5 p&p

John Sprakes (Small)

The Annual Exhibition of the NEAC included works by:

Shanti Panchal was awarded The Bowyer Drawing Prize:

Some of the prizewinners in FBA exhibitions put their work into:
Winners: Award winning artists 2020 – 22 at the Mall:

Will Taylor also had a print in this year’s RA Summer Exhibition:

Taylor 2 (Small)

Austin Cole has a show, ‘A Sense of Place’ at Eames Fine Art Print Room, 159 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UW. The exhibition runs from 25th August – 11th September:


Liam Culver FRBA has been involved in a fascinating project in liaison with ArtAncient, who specialise in exceptional artefacts from bygone eras.  This project centres on natural sandstone formations [gogottes] formed in the natural sand dunes of Fontainebleau millions of years ago.  As with the Rorschach Inkblot Test, interpretation is in the eye of the beholder and Cinzia Bonada was commissioned to illustrate her own interpretations of what she saw, based on her own personal and professional life experiences.  Together they produced a fantastic catalogue, which can be viewed here:  

Huaicun Zhang HonRBA had a solo exhibition at the Mall Galleries in July, showing her artwork as well as books and poetry she has created – and she also included a demonstration of her amazing Chinese artwork and encouraged visitors both very young and not so young to have a go too.  By the end of the exhibition, she had sold 66 paintings and another 14 have been reserved. 

From the proceeds, Huaicun has donated £28,000 to the Art Forum at the Royal Marsden Hospital and £57,000 to the cancer hospital to be shared between buying equipment and different projects including research.

A wonderful gesture from a generous and caring person!

As always we are so proud of our RBA RISING STARS who have some news to share:

Samuel Owusu Achiaw was shortlisted for the RA Summer Show and was featured in a documentary [Joe Lycett: Summer Exhibitionist] which was shown on BBC 2 [and iPlayer].  His work can also be seen in the ‘Winners’ show at the Mall and he has been selected for exhibition in the Si Scottish Portrait Awards in Fine Art:

Samuel Owusu Achiaw (Small)


Rufus Martin has had his work ‘Isacc’ selected for the FACE 2022 Exhibition at The Garrison Chapel, 8 Garrison Square, Chelsea Barracks London SW1W 8BG which runs until the 2nd September:


Rufus also had works in the Chelsea Arts Society Show

Showing works in the recent NEAC Exhibition were:

As well as Samuel above, other RBA RISING STARS were also represented in the Winners show at the Mall:

Showing their work in the RA Summer Show were:

Ethan received ‘The Arts Club Award’ – one of just 8 artists to receive a prize at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition this year!

Shortlisted for the Waverton Art Prize were:

Their work can be seen here: https://boisdaleart.co.uk/collections/all?page=1

Eleni Maragaki was one of 8 short-listed artists, competing for a six-month opportunity of subsidised arts practice and real market experience – this was the Residency Competition Group Show – 2022 which took place in August at The Muse Gallery in Portobello Road in London:

Georgina Lowbridge had a work in the Wells Contemporary Exhibition:

And Georgina is showing work at the Southampton City Art Gallery until 10th September as part of their, ‘What Does Culture Mean To You?‘ exhibition.  However, her most recent and precious creation is Arthur:

Georgina Lowbridge 2 Arthur (Small)

‘Congratulations Georgina!’ 

In the present economic climate, and I want to remind you all that if things are difficult for you financially due to age or illness, The Artists’ General Benevolent Institution [AGBI] are there to help any artist or artist’s family who are facing hardship.  Their contact details are:

Contact the AGBI office on: 020 7734 1193
Email:  info@agbi.org.uk

Also, of course, if you wish to make a donation to them, please also include a Gift Aid form if you are a taxpayer.