RBA 2023 Exhibition Photographs




















RBA Awards 2023

The de Laszlo Foundation Prize & The Arts Society Star Student Award

Imogen Hare, Hands in Honey, 42 x 30 cm, RBA Star Student


The de Laszlo Medal for Excellence and £1,500 awarded to an artist aged 35 or under for the best work from life.

& A prize of £500.

Hare-Imogen-Hands in Honey

Whistler Award 2022

A prize of £500.

Cheryl Culver RBA PPPS, for her contribution to the RBA, Not a Movement Not a Sound

Culver-Cheryl-Not a Movement Not a Sound

Cheryl is a landscape painter because the countryside is the place where she feels most at ease. She does feel it is possible to have a spiritual connection with the natural world, and she hopes that her paintings reflect this.

The Artist Magazine Award

The winner will be featured in The Artist.

Lewis Hazelwood-Horner RBA, Pineapple, 66 x 49 cm (73 x 54 cm framed)


The Dry Red Press Award

The winning work will be published as a greeting card.

Henry Jabbour RBA PS, A Still Moment, 95 x 85 cm

Jabbour-Henry-A Still Moment

“I absorb things when I go walking with my dog. I absorb things on my way to my studio which involves a walk through the garden, and when I visit parks or other open spaces. Colour catches my eye all the time and it stirs my emotions in ways that I can never translate into words, but somehow I can translate it into a visual language. The floral elements in my work evolved over time and for me, they are symbolic of the beauty of life, of ageing, the passage of time, and of death. ” – Henry Jabbour RBA PS

Frinton Frames Award

£200 of picture framing at Frinton Frames.

Sarah Spackman RBA ROI, Heatwave Allotment Plums, 25 x 30 cm (37 x 42 cm framed)

Spackman-Sarah-Heatwave Allotment Plums

“These were growing on a friend’s allotment during the heatwave this year. I just loved the colour of them and took a few back to paint in the studio. I painted them from direct observation and focused on the beauty of the plums and the variety of the colours within them.” – Sarah Spackman RBA ROI

The Geoffrey Vivis Memorial Award

A prize of £100.

Deni Mansfield, Art Nouveau Vase with Wild Garden Flowers, 25 x 21 cm (27 x 22 cm framed)

Mansfield-Deni-Art Nouveau Vase with Wild Garden Flowers

“A deeply moving oil on board impressionism painting of wild garden flowers, painted from still life and imagination. A floral arrangement consisting of Petunias, English Roses, Carnations, Cyclamen Hederifolium, Garden Helichrysum, Garden Verbena, Speciosus and English Lavender. This classic collection of carefully selected colourful flowers, are depicted within an antique Art Nouveau Glass Vase that is full of charm and warm tones, decorated with deep orange red columbine flowers.” – Deni Mansfield

The Gordon Hulson Memorial Prize

£250 for draughtsmanship, variety and exploration.

Ann Dangerfield, Hillside Village, 50 x 52 cm (65 x 67 cm framed)

Dangerfield-Ann-Hillside Village

Hahnemuhle Fine Art UK Award

A prize of £250 worth of artist paper.

Chloe Barnes, Bike Ride, 76 x 56 cm (88 x 68 cm framed)

Barnes-Chloe-Bike Ride

“The artwork, inspired by found film photography and vintage costumes, explores childhood curiosity and spectacle for the world. The referenced photographs remain from an unknown origin, contributing to the sense of wonder in the image. The artwork embraces spontaneous and unpredictable mark-making using monoprint processes.” – Chloe Barnes

The John Lynn Commemorative Award for a Young Artist

A prize of £500.

Lewis Hazelwood-Horner RBA, The Stanley Arms, 50 x 50 cm (53 x 53 cm framed)

Hazelwood-Horner-Lewis-The Stanley Arms

“A beautiful little pub on the edge of Southwark Park. As I entered this space I was struck by how bright it was on the inside with the light creating paths of beaming colour on the carpet. I positioned myself on a high stool in the middle of the pub and sketched the scene out first in my sketchbook.” – Lewis Hazelwood-Horner RBA

The Michael Harding Award (I)

Two prizes of £500 worth of art materials, in addition to which Michael Harding has donated twenty starter sets to the RBA Star Students.

Natalia Glinoer, In the Artist’s Studio, 40 x 40 cm (44 x 44 cm framed)

Glinoer-Natalia-In the Artist's Studio

The Michael Harding Award (II)

Steven Outram RBA, First and Last, 36 x 32 cm (51 x 48 cm framed)

First And Last

“Dusk sky with gently flowing shifts of colour and form. The first star emerges and the last bird is in flight.” – Steven Outram RBA

Nathan David Award for Sculpture

A prize of £150.

Katarina Crawford, Exhale, 55 x 40 x 40 cm


“A psychological portrait about inner strength and vulnerability.” – Katarina Crawford

The Peter Kelly Commemorative Prize

A prize of £300.

Ben Hughes, George Street, Bath, 61 x 61 cm (80 x 80 cm framed)

Hughes-Ben-George Street, Bath

The Ronald Morgan Memorial Award

A prize of £250.

Sarah Harrold, Octavia, 80 x 80 cm


“Octavia is created using sculpted cardboard mimicking the natural texture and movement of the octopus form. Finished in collage from recycled surf magazine this eco nod refers to the environmental issues that our oceans and marine life face in today’s climate.

Mounted to levitate away from the wall, the octopus grips the canvas like prey and holds a dominant presence in the darkened waters. Glimmers of gold highlight new areas of the body as the natural light shifts during the day, continuously changing the ambience of the piece.” – Sarah Harrold

The Stuart Southall Print Prize

A prize of £250.

Martin Langford, And so on…, 39 x 72 cm (63 x 96 cm framed)

Langford-Martin-And So On...

The Stuart Southall Print Prize

A prize of £250.

Martin Langford, And so on…, 39 x 72 cm (63 x 96 cm framed)

The Surgeon’s Prize

A prize of £500.

Sophie Cleave, Blurred Reality83 x 59 cm, RBA Star Student

Cleave-Sophie-Blurred Reality

The Winsor & Newton Painting Award

Art materials to the value of £500.

Simon Taylor, White Shelter, Llandudno, 25 x 38 cm

Taylor-Simon-White Shelter, Llandudno

“When visiting Llandudno a number of years ago I took a few photos of this mid century style seaside shelter. I thought the simplicity of it againt the vast sea was a stunning juxtaposition.

Sometimes it’s difficult to say whether a place or structure has a soul, but some things do appear to have an energy of their own. Is this energy from our knowledge of what something is used for or our own experience? These shelters are used for resting, eating fish and chips, keeping dry and out of the wind, relaxing and looking at the view and sometimes used by lost souls to contemplate life. They can be a physical shelter and/or an emotional one. Without this knowledge are they just inanimate objects?” – Simon Taylor

The President’s Award

A prize of £100.

Theo Dunford, Pools of Light, 30 x 30 cm, RBA Star Student

Dunford-Theo-Pools of Light

The Anthony J Lester Art Critic Award

A prize of £50, plus a certificate of commendation.

Marc Bodie, Highlights and Lowlifes, 29 x 21 cm (42 x 33 cm framed)

Bodie-Marc-Highlights and Lowlifes

“This work is a self portrait, as with the majority of my portrait work I have become another character. This is inspired by both my love of film noir as well as my admiration for the work of Rembrandt (who also took on role playing for his work). So this piece is of a man who has fallen on hard times through no fault of his own by circumstances beyond his control; he desperately clings to the memories of good times past which unfortunately clash sorely with his present circumstances.

How many times have we seen films with characters in very similar positions as this man? I do like for the viewer to make their own connections, maybe ask their own questions like, “What is his story?” – Marc Bodie

RBA Winter Newsletter

Denis Baxter: An Artist’s Creative Journey This is a retrospective exhibition in the Kenny Gallery at the Royal West of England Academy. Denis was born in 1936 and still today says that he hopes for his artistic development to never be static, as he continues exploring new avenues to express ideas and to keep the process alive and exciting. He will be showing etchings, watercolours, oil paintings and ceramic sculptures.

mail 2 dennis

Malcolm Ashman is helping Denis with the hanging of the exhibition which will run from the 13 Dec 2022 – 8th Jan 2023

Denis Baxter: An Artist’s Creative Journey

Habib Hajalli, one of our newest/youngest members and one of our original RBA RISING STARS, could really have a newsletter all to himself, as he has so much going on. Here is a sample:

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  • He will be ‘Artist in Residence’ at the Watts Gallery in Surrey until April ’23
  • He has also been selected as one of the recipients of The Samuel Ross Black British Artists Grants!
  • He is 1 of the 8 artists selected as part of the first cohort of UAL’s Decolonising Arts Institute 20/20 programme. He’ll be working with Pallant House Gallery over the next 15 months as an artist-in-residence
  • He raised over £1000 to give over 100 orphaned children in Sierra Leone food and Christmas presents!

Congratulations Habib! Especially receiving that award at the Saatchi Gallery!

HonRBA Shanti Panchal was recently interviewed online about his life and work by David Glasser from the Ben Uri Gallery & Museum, and also discussed was his amazing large scale mural ‘Endurance’ which was commissioned by Transport for London and can now be seen at Brixton Underground Station for one year – there will also be prints of the work at other tube stations:

Shanti 1
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Vicky Oldfield has a new book ‘MIXED MEDIA COLLAGRAPHS PRINTS’. It explains a range of techniques from drypoint to collagraph, as well as viscosity printing and mixed media. It has great reviews and is available from Amazon:

Vicky Oldfield

David Sprakes  is showing 4 sculptures with LE BLANC FINE ART, Saxby, Leicestershire until the end of December:

David Sprakes 1
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RBA Members who showed work in the Discerning Eye Exhibition at the Mall Galleries were:


Sarah Spackman will be showing work in Assemble 23 with the Tregony Gallery from 1st-14th February

mail sarah spackman

She will also be running a 1 day course, “Colour Mixing with Oil Paint” for Hampshire Art Studio on the 20th March 2023

Several of our members are showing in the Russell Gallery Christmas Show:





Callum Stannard has been too shy to mention that has been elected a member of the Society of Portrait Sculptors – Well Done Callum!!


Our RBA RISING STARS are still letting us know about their accomplishments – and it is always good to hear from them:
Showing their work in the Discerning Eye were:

Natalia Glinoer

Natalia Glinoer

Henrietta MacPhee

Henrietta MacPhee

Ethan Caflisch tells us that he is donating 25% of the proceeds on the sale of ‘The country I come from’ (ten landscapes VII) to Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services.  He says “They’ve been around my hometown of Oshkosh longer than I have, providing vital and free services to victims of domestic abuse”.

mail Ethan

More of Ethan’s work can be seen here:

Sadly we are too late to tell you about Diana Zrnic’s solo exhibition which took place at The Stone Space Gallery in East London – it ran from 27th Oct to 20th November

mail Diana

More of Diana’s work is here: https://dianazrnic.wixsite.com/portfolio

Ruth Murray has been busy during November and December showing works at the Manchester Art Fair and The Manchester Contemporary.  She says her work ‘Pope’s Den’ was in the group exhibition: Cool, Warm, Hot with Division of Labour at The Art House in Worcester.  She also included some of her ceramic work in the exhibition too.

mail Ruth Murray

‘Pope’s Den’

Eleni Maragaki’s work ‘Silver Light’ was one of those selected to represent Central Saint Martins UAL in The Graduation Show at The Woolff Gallery in Charlotte Street in London.

mailEleni Maragaki's

The exhibition can still be seen here:

Rufus Martin won the Tiranti Prize at the Society of Portrait Sculptors FACE 22 exhibition, which took place in The Garrison Chapel, Chelsea Barracks London.  He received the award for his work ‘Isaac’:
Rufus Martin


Also featured in the same exhibition were Poppy Field and Thomas Merrett – and Thomas is now serving on the Council of the Society of Portrait Sculptors – well done Thomas!

Minyoung Choi had a solo show  ‘Always There’ with the Lychee One Gallery in Hackney, London.  The show took place November – December.  She was showing a new body of work she had been working on:

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mailMinyoung Choi 1

Minyoung also took part in ‘Pounding the pavement’ a group show at Galeria Pelaires in Spain

Another young artist who had a solo show was Yeonsu Ju, who had the exhibition at The Room London Gallery in Islington, London.  She also had work in the  Gazelli Art House and participated in the Delphian open call 2022 exhibition:

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mailYeonsu Ju 2

Miroslav Pomichal is showing work in a group show called ‘Bread and Games’ at the Aleph Contemporary at the Bindery, 53 Hatton Garden, London.  This show is on until the 12th January 2023

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mail Miroslav Pomichal 2


Alex Wood had a solo exhibition ‘Explorer’ at the Museum of Contemporary Art London [MOCA]



Alex’s sculptures, and some of his paintings, are still available to be seen at  the Paul Smith Store and online in their catalogue:


Apologies go to those whose exhibitions did not get a mention whilst they were still on.

Extended date for the Call for Entries

The deadline for entries has been extended, to 12 noon on Friday 6 January 2023

Selection will remain online only

The exhibition will run at Mall Galleries between 2 March and 11 March, as advertised

Artists should log in to the OESS (and will be reminded to do so) from 12 noon on Friday 13 January to see if their work has been selected for exhibition

Selected artworks should be delivered to the gallery on Saturday 11 February, between 10am and 5pm

For a full list of the newer dates and details, please visit the call for entries page on the Mall website:


RBA Autumn Newsletter

Here is some of the good news we have to share:

Cheryl Culver has a 4 page article in the August edition of The Artist Magazine:

Cheryl has also achieved a contract with the National Trust to supply 4 small mounted Giclee prints of her work for the Visitors Centre Shop at the White Cliffs of Dover – she was in action demonstrating her work there on the 20th August

Cheryl 3 (Small)

Looking ahead, Cheryl also has 2 works in the RSMA Exhibition, which will take place at the Mall Galleries September 22nd – 1st October

Malcolm Taylor had work shown in the Summer Exhibition: Painting & Sculpture at the Moncrieff-Bray Gallery in Petworth – the exhibition is still online here:

Kirsten Van Schreven tells us that her etching “The Last Lighthouse” was selected for the Chianciana Biennale in Siena and the show runs until the 28th August at the Muséo d’Arte, Chianciano Terme.


Kirsten (Small)

John Sprakes has a new book: “Drawing towards Abstraction”

It is available from https://www.ypdbooks.com/773__martha’s-press or direct from John basprakes@gmail.com at £35.00 plus £5 p&p

John Sprakes (Small)

The Annual Exhibition of the NEAC included works by:

Shanti Panchal was awarded The Bowyer Drawing Prize:

Some of the prizewinners in FBA exhibitions put their work into:
Winners: Award winning artists 2020 – 22 at the Mall:

Will Taylor also had a print in this year’s RA Summer Exhibition:

Taylor 2 (Small)

Austin Cole has a show, ‘A Sense of Place’ at Eames Fine Art Print Room, 159 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UW. The exhibition runs from 25th August – 11th September:


Liam Culver FRBA has been involved in a fascinating project in liaison with ArtAncient, who specialise in exceptional artefacts from bygone eras.  This project centres on natural sandstone formations [gogottes] formed in the natural sand dunes of Fontainebleau millions of years ago.  As with the Rorschach Inkblot Test, interpretation is in the eye of the beholder and Cinzia Bonada was commissioned to illustrate her own interpretations of what she saw, based on her own personal and professional life experiences.  Together they produced a fantastic catalogue, which can be viewed here:  

Huaicun Zhang HonRBA had a solo exhibition at the Mall Galleries in July, showing her artwork as well as books and poetry she has created – and she also included a demonstration of her amazing Chinese artwork and encouraged visitors both very young and not so young to have a go too.  By the end of the exhibition, she had sold 66 paintings and another 14 have been reserved. 

From the proceeds, Huaicun has donated £28,000 to the Art Forum at the Royal Marsden Hospital and £57,000 to the cancer hospital to be shared between buying equipment and different projects including research.

A wonderful gesture from a generous and caring person!

As always we are so proud of our RBA RISING STARS who have some news to share:

Samuel Owusu Achiaw was shortlisted for the RA Summer Show and was featured in a documentary [Joe Lycett: Summer Exhibitionist] which was shown on BBC 2 [and iPlayer].  His work can also be seen in the ‘Winners’ show at the Mall and he has been selected for exhibition in the Si Scottish Portrait Awards in Fine Art:

Samuel Owusu Achiaw (Small)


Rufus Martin has had his work ‘Isacc’ selected for the FACE 2022 Exhibition at The Garrison Chapel, 8 Garrison Square, Chelsea Barracks London SW1W 8BG which runs until the 2nd September:


Rufus also had works in the Chelsea Arts Society Show

Showing works in the recent NEAC Exhibition were:

As well as Samuel above, other RBA RISING STARS were also represented in the Winners show at the Mall:

Showing their work in the RA Summer Show were:

Ethan received ‘The Arts Club Award’ – one of just 8 artists to receive a prize at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition this year!

Shortlisted for the Waverton Art Prize were:

Their work can be seen here: https://boisdaleart.co.uk/collections/all?page=1

Eleni Maragaki was one of 8 short-listed artists, competing for a six-month opportunity of subsidised arts practice and real market experience – this was the Residency Competition Group Show – 2022 which took place in August at The Muse Gallery in Portobello Road in London:

Georgina Lowbridge had a work in the Wells Contemporary Exhibition:

And Georgina is showing work at the Southampton City Art Gallery until 10th September as part of their, ‘What Does Culture Mean To You?‘ exhibition.  However, her most recent and precious creation is Arthur:

Georgina Lowbridge 2 Arthur (Small)

‘Congratulations Georgina!’ 

In the present economic climate, and I want to remind you all that if things are difficult for you financially due to age or illness, The Artists’ General Benevolent Institution [AGBI] are there to help any artist or artist’s family who are facing hardship.  Their contact details are:

Contact the AGBI office on: 020 7734 1193
Email:  info@agbi.org.uk

Also, of course, if you wish to make a donation to them, please also include a Gift Aid form if you are a taxpayer.

2022 Rising Stars Exhibition

RBA RISING STARS 2022 Exhibition is still on until the 3rd July at The Royal Over-Seas League.

To follow some photographs of the Private View.








Selected Members of the RBA at the Escape Centre Tonbridge

An exhibition of selected RBA Members at the Escape Art Centre,
Old Fire Station, Castle Street, Tonbridge TN9 1BH.

Approximately 20 RBA members are showing work in the Escape Art Centre’s Summer Show, which will run until the end of June.

Photographs of the PV 9th June, 6-9 p.m. can be seen below.

RBA Summer Newsletter 2022

Looking ahead to next year.

2023 will be the RBA’s bicentenary – 200 years since it was established on the 21st May 1823 by Thomas Heaphy and friends in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. This will be a very special year for the RBA.

In the meantime the Summer News for 2022.

It’s a little late now, but John Sprakes had an exhibition at Patchings Art Centre in Nottingham which finished on the 15th May. The exhibition, ‘Painting and Drawing towards Abstraction’ emphasised the link between the two elements:

John Sprakes copy

Also a little late, Kirsten van Schreven had one of her etchings, “The Fifth Lighthouse” selected for the Society of Graphic Fine Art 101st Annual Exhibition – it was on at the Mall Galleries from 17th – 21st May:

Schreven copy

Robert E Wells will be having an exhibition at The Jerram Gallery, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3LN UK from the 25th June – 13th July

Images will be soon be available to view here: https://www.jerramgallery.com/

WElls copy

Henry Jabbour will be having a solo exhibition called ‘Saturation Point’ at the Pontone Gallery, Newman Street, London W1T 3DB, from 21st July – 21st August:

Henry Jabbour copy (Medium)

Several RBA Members have works in Thompson’s 40th Annual Exhibition 2022 in Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 4th – 26th June. Amongst those showing are works by the following artists:


Jill Leman and Martin Leman share a show at the Russell Gallery, 12 Lower Richmond Rd., London SW15 1JP. This exhibition is on from 26th May – 18th June:

Habib Hajallie is to have his first solo exhibition ‘Navigating Identity’ at the Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Lane, Dartford DA1 2JZ from June 1st – 30th, in a project funded by The Arts Council England. Also, his installation commissioned by Facebook has now been completed and can be seen at their new London Offices:

Habib also has two works in the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours exhibition at the Mall Galleries

Chris Aggs raffled his work ‘Primroses and Primulas’ after it did not sell at our last exhibition and raised £3,625 for Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine. He used his mailing list, Facebook and Instagram to promote the raffle:

Aggs copy

Akash Bhatt has been featured in the Jackson’s Art Blog in an article called ‘Inside the Sketchbook of Akash Bhatt’, where he describes his variety of different sketchbooks, including custom made books designed for drawing at the different locations and situations he finds himself in, as an unrelenting observer of the world.


Hon RBA Huaicun Zhang will be having a solo exhibition ‘Huaicun’s World Blossom’ in the Mall Galleries from 11th – 23rd July. She will be showing her artworks – traditional Chinese ink paintings and also her works in oil – along with some of her published books, because as well as being an artist she is also a poet and author of children’s literature:


Guy Portelli, aided by Will Taylor, has been setting up an exhibition at the Escape Art Centre, Old Fire Station, Castle Street, Tonbridge TN9 1BH and he has invited approx. 20 RBA members to show work there in its Summer Show, which will run until the end of June – PV is on 9th June, 6-9 p.m.

Escape arts copy

Among the invited RBA artists showing their work are:

Guy Portelli has also been the subject of a short film by Masterpiece Art London entitled ‘The Rise & Rise of Guy Portelli’ and it can be viewed here: http:// https://masterpieceart.co.uk/video/30-the-rise-rise-of-guy-portelli-a-masterpiece-art-produced-short-documentary-on-british-artist/

Guy copy

Malcolm Taylor has work in the Summer Exhibition: Painting and Sculpture at the Moncrieff – Bray Gallery in Petworth, West Sussex
from 6th May – 25th June

Malcolm Taylor 2 copy

Peter Newsome has work at Newby Hall, Ripon, HG4 5AE, in an exhibition of contemporary sculpture by established and emerging artists, set in beautiful woodland and riverside gardens

Many of our RBA RISING STARS also have good news to share with us:
I spotted 6 of them in the longlist for Jackson’s Painting Prize 2022:

[Have you spotted Keziah’s welcoming smile? – she works behind the Reception Desk at the Mall Galleries]

Showing work in the Royal Society of Portrait Painters show at the Mall:

Ruth Murray received a Develop Your Creative Practice (DYCP) grant from Arts Council England in August 2021. The grant is to develop the use of ceramics, alongside her painting practice. The project culminates in April / May, with a 5 week residency at c.r.e.t.a in Rome:

Ruth MUrray 1 copy

Ruth has been invited to become a member of the Contemporary British Portrait Painters and will be showing work with them in their annual exhibition in Brixton, London 11th – 18th June. That show includes:

Rufus Martin has had his bronze ‘Isaac Goodwin’ shortlisted for the FACE 2022 exhibition and I spotted Thomas Merrett amongst their members:

Fanny Arnesen has received the Glenfiddich Artist in Residence Award through the RSA New Contemporaries exhibition and will be relocating to Dufftown for three months.

Fanny copy

You can still see Fanny’s work and Rufus Martin’s work, along with Chris Polunin and Yeonsu Ju at The Royal Over-seas League where our 2022 RBA RISING STARS Exhibition is still on until the 3rd July:

The three finalists for the RBA Rome Scholarship 2022 are:

Our 2021 Rome Scholarship winner, Alex J Wood, arrived back in the UK on the 31st April. He had an amazing time and you can read about his travels on our Social Media pages.

Some of Alex’s paintings and sculptures are still on display at the Paul Smith shop in Mayfair, London.

The RBA Further Education Project:

The first two groups of students, who are from Hereford FE college, have arrived back from Italy and Malta, where they had work experience in a variety of establishments. We have not had all the feedback yet but we have received a short film, which we will send to our Social Media and a quote from one of the students to the Head of their FE college:

“I just wanted to get in touch to say thank you for such an incredible opportunity.
The Italy trip was such an amazing experience and one which will stick with me for the rest of my life! I understand it was a pain trying to get everything organised etc. but for me and the rest of the students it was so, so worth it.”

‘Captain Tom’s final journey with a Burmese Tiger’

Anna Lever’s ceramic figure ‘Captain Tom’s final journey with a Burmese Tiger’

The RBA Raffle

“The winning ticket, #00167, was bought by Jacqueline C. from Oxford, who was “.. so delighted … she couldn’t quite believe it!”.  As a result of the raffle, £925 was raised in ticket sales and Anna Lever ‘rounded the amount up’ to £1000’

 Therefore, £500 has been sent directly to ‘Helen & Douglas House’, which provides palliative, respite and care to life-limited children and £500 was sent directly to ‘The Royal British Legion’, which provides support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependants.  We thank all the RBA Stewards who helped to sell the tickets, the RBA Members and public who bought them and, of course, Anna Lever herself, for her kindness and generosity.”