Still Alive: The Contemporary Still Life

Carole Griffin, Charles Hardaker, Jill Leman, Martin Leman and John Sprakes will be showing at the Still Alive exhibition at Mall Galleries from the 5th to the 23rd of August.

This exhibition is…

“A showcase of stunning contemporary still lifes by members of the Federation of British Artists. Works on display will convey the extraordinary essence of everyday objects, from pots and paintbrushes, to flowers and fruits, and beyond.”

Llewellyn Alexander: A Pageant of Paintings in Oil

RBA members who are also members of The Small Paintings Group will be exhibiting at their annual London exhibition at Piers Feetham gallery in Fulham from the 29th of January to the 26th February 2015.

For more details visit the Small Paintings Group website.

Pamela Kay, Steven Outram, Richard Sorrell and Robert E. Wells will be showing in the ‘Pageant of Paintings in Oil’ exhibition at the Llewellyn Alexander gallery in London.

Dates are from the 25th of November to the 24th of January 2015.

For contact and address details see the Llewellyn Alexander website.

RBA Exhibition at the Lloyd’s Register

RBA members will be exhibiting at Gallery@LR located in the Lloyd’s Register building in London during October. The gallery is located in the reception atrium at 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS.

Exhibition dates are from Friday the 3rd of October to Thursday the 30th of October. Opening times being Monday to Friday 10am to 4 pm. The gallery is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

For further details and a location map see the Gallery@LR website.

A selection of the works on show at the exhibition can be viewed here.

Curwen Gallery Prize for Figurative Painting

The work of eighteen artists feature in this exhibition, each having been selected from the many submissions that were made to Curwen Gallery’s first ever Prize for Figurative Painting. Several RBA members are on the shortlist.

The exhibition is open from 8th to the 29th of October. See the Curwen Gallery website for opening times.

Curwen Gallery
34 Windmill Street
Fitzrovia, London. W1T 2JR

For contact and address details see the Curwen Gallery website.

Geedon Gallery: Autumn Exhibition

David Eustace, Ken Howard, Peter Kelly, Jill Leman, Martin Leman, Barbara Richardson, Tessa Spencer Pryse and Jacqueline Taber from the RBA together with members of other societies will be showing at the Autumn 2014 exhibition at Geedon Gallery in Essex.

Dates are from the 4th to the 19th of October 2014 and the exhibition is open from 11am to 5:30pm daily, and thereafter by appointment until the 15th of December.

For contact and address details see the Geedon Gallery website.