Call for Entry for 303rd Annual Exhibition in 2020

The Royal Society of British Artists seeks submissions of work displaying the highest standards of skill, expression and concept of draughtsmanship

The RBA invites painters, sculptors and printmakers to submit their work for consideration to be shown in the Society’s 303rd Annual Exhibition 2020
The President and Executive Committee of the Royal Society of British Artists invite painters, sculptors and printmakers to submit their work for consideration to be shown in the Society’s 303rd Annual Exhibition 2020. As well as skill and draughtsmanship, they will be looking for originality and creativity.
The exhibition offers prizes and awards, worth over £5,000 in total (see ‘Prizes & Awards’ below).

How to Submit:

ALL work must be submitted online. Pre-selection from online entries will take place, after which pre-selected entries should be delivered to Mall Galleries, London, for final selection:

Upload images of work at between Monday 30 September and Friday 29 November 2019, 12 noon [Note: Images must be in JPEG format and under 5MB]

Check on Friday 6 December, from 12 noon, to see if your work has been pre-selected

If pre-selected, deliver your work on Saturday 11 January 2020, 10am to 5pm, to Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD

Check this page ( on Tuesday 14 January, from 12 noon, to see if your work has been accepted to the exhibition

If unaccepted, collect your work from Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD on Thursday 16 January, 10am to 5pm

Important Dates:______________________

Submissions open: Monday 30 September 2019, 12 noon
Submissions close: Friday 29 November, 12 noon
Pre-selection notification: Friday 6 December, 12 noon
Receiving Day (if pre-selected only): Saturday 11 January 2020, 10am to 5pm
Acceptance notification: Tuesday 14 January, 12 noon
Collection of unaccepted work: Thursday 16 January, 10am to 5pm*
Exhibition open: Thursday 20 February, 10am to 5pm
Exhibition closes: Saturday 29 February, 5pm
Collection of unsold work: Thursday 5 March, 10am to 5pm*
*Due to a shortage of storage space at the gallery, any work uncollected by 5pm will be removed and stored at a separate location for which artists will be charged a storage fee.



• Any artist over 18 may submit.
• Acceptable media: Any medium including sculpture and original prints.
• Submission fee: £18 per work (or £12 per work for artists aged 35 or under), which includes Free Admission to the exhibition (normally £4).
• Maximum of six works submitted.
• Maximum of four works selected.
• Work must not have been exhibited previously.
• Works should not be larger than 2.4m along the longest dimension.
• All work must be for sale. The price of works must include commission of 45%+VAT (please note that where foundry fees apply, foundry costs will be deducted before commission is calculated).
• Minimum price: £300 (framed prints: £180, unframed prints: £120 – buyers will not be charged for postage and packaging of unframed prints, so please ensure the price of unframed prints allows for this).

Delivery & Collection:

• Works should be delivered without any protective packaging as this cannot be retained.
• The gallery will not be responsible for wrapping works or providing wrapping materials for any works being returned.
• Paintings should be completely dry at the time of delivery.
• Please note that selectors’ decisions are final and we are unable to offer feedback.
International Entrants
• Artists from outside the UK may need to register for VAT, please check with HM Revenue and Customs:
• Artists sending work from abroad should use a picture carrier. Many artists use Picture Post Art as they offer a packing and delivery service for our exhibitions (we do not accept any liability for their services). Picture Post Art – Tel: 0044 (0)1302 711011 / Mobile: 07833 450788 / Email:
Terms & Conditions
• For full terms and conditions, click


Artists over 18, from the UK and beyond, are invited to submit works for exhibition alongside members of the Royal Society of British Artists at their Annual Exhibition 2020.
The Society welcomes works in any medium including painting, sculpture and original prints.

There are a number of prizes and awards available to win, worth over £5,000 in total, including The Michael Harding Awards: Two awards of Michael Harding art materials to the value of £500.

Enter your work now

Prizes & Awards (subject to final confirmation)

There are many prizes and awards available to win, including:
The de Laszlo Foundation Prize: The de Laszlo Medal for Excellence and £1,500 will be awarded for the best artwork from life by an artist aged 35 or under

The Winsor & Newton Painting Award: Art materials to the value of £500

The Peter Kelly Commemorative Award: £300

The Ronald Morgan Memorial Award: £250

The Patron’s Prize: £500

The Surgeon’s Prize: £500

The Michael Harding Awards: Two awards of £500 worth of Michael Harding art materials

The Gordon Hulson Memorial Prize: £250 for draughtsmanship, variety & exploration

Hahnemuhle Fine Art UK Award: A prize of artist paper, worth £250

The Stuart Southall Print Prize: £250

Frinton Frames Award: £200 of picture framing at Frinton Frames bespoke hand-finished picture frame makers

The Nathan David Award for Sculpture: £150

Acceptable media Any medium including painting, sculpture and original prints
Submission fee
£18 per work at the time of submitting (£12 per work for artists aged 35 or under).
Find out more: 

Image: Henry Jabbour Gaze Not into my Eyes (detail) Winner of The Davison Award for Oil Painting 2019

‘A Bridge to Japanese Art’ at the Menier Gallery

Mick Davies, Nick Tidnam and Cheryl Culver were invited to judge the artwork at the Menier Gallery exhibition ‘A Bridge to Japanese Art’


Group Photograph at the Menier Gallery ‘A Bridge to Japanese Art’


Mick Davies at the Menier Gallery ‘A Bridge to Japanese Art’


Nick Tidnam, Cheryl Culver & Mick Davies


Some intriguing pieces at ‘A Bridge to Japanese Art’


Mick Davies, Nick Tidnam and Cheryl Culver with some of the artists – ‘A Bridge to Japanese Art’


Judging the artwork at the Menier Gallery

Minerva Exhibition 2019 at the Mall Galleries

‘Minerva 2019’ took place earlier this year at the Mall Galleries and a dinner to celebrate the occasion was held at the British Museum.

‘Thanks to friendly cooperative relations with the Royal Society of British Artists, project MINERVA reached its fourth year this year. In its history of exchange since opening its doors, Japan has experienced significant influence from the UK, and a deep relationship exists between the two countries.’

Hidetoshi Kushida
Minerva Executive Committee Chairman
Representative Director and President


Nick Tidnam at the Minerva Exhibition at the Mall Galleries


Nick Tidnam speaks at Minerva 19 at the British Museum Dinner


Past President Nick Tidnam introduces the new Pesident of the RBA Mick Davies


President Mick Davies proudly shows the Chain of Office for the RBA


Mick Davies speaks at Minerva 19 at the British Museum Dinner


President Mick Davies with Past President Nick Tidnam and two of the Japanese artists


President Mick Davies and Nick Tidnam with two of the Japanese artists

The Opening of Qualiart’s ‘Discover the One Japanese Art’

Mick Davies and Nicholas Usherwood opening Qualiart’s ‘Discover the One Japanese Art’ at the Menier Gallery


Nicholas Usherwood opening ‘Discover the One Japanese Art’ at the Menier Gallery


President of the RBA Mick Davies opening ‘Discover the One Japanese Art’ at the Menier Gallery


President Mick Davies and Nicholas Usherwood with one of the Japanese artists whose work ‘Little Bird’ was on display

RBA September Show at Trent Art Gallery 2019

The Best of British

The following selected artists will be showing work at Trent Art Gallery, 19 New Brunswick Street, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire from Friday 6th September to Saturday 28th September. The Private View by invitation only is on Thursday 5th September 6pm – 9pm.

Akash Bhatt RBA RWS
Annie Boisseau RBA
Jason Bowyer (1957 – 2019) PPNEAC PS RP
David Brammeld RBA PS RBSA Pastellist de France
Joyce W Cairns PRSA Hon RBA RSW
Austin Cole RBA ASGFA
Cheryl Culver RBA PPPS
Mick Davies PRBA
Ann Heat RBA
Bridget Moore Sen RBA NEAC RWS
Susie Perring RBA
Melvyn Petterson RBA NEAC
David Sawyer RBA
Malcolm Taylor RBA PS PMAFA
Will Taylor RBA
Terry Watts RBA
Robert E Wells RBA NEAC
Anthony Yates RBA RBSA

Opening hours:

Monday: By appointment
Tuesday: 10am – 4pm
Wednesday: 10am – 4pm
Thursday: 10am – 5pm
Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: By appointment

Contact details:


Telephone: 01782 610588


Estelle Lovatt visits the Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition

It was both a delight and thrill to be the ‘Art Expert in Residence’ for yet another Mall Galleries exhibition; The Royal Society of British Artists (RBA).
On my arrival, I was greeted by a monumental bronze sculpture, sculpted by invited artist, Michael Sandle RA, Honorary Member of the Society (reproduced by kind permission of Flowers Gallery, ‘As Ye Sow So Shall Ye Reap: An Allegory (Acknowledgement to Holman Hunt)’.
There’s something magical about the RBA exhibition. The level of creative talent and artistic ability that’s in the painting, sculpture, printmaking and drawing, is top quality. It’s a varied and wide-ranging exhibition, fused with Classicalism, where the figurative, intellectual theory and style is more formal, in comparison with the abstract, Contemporary, personal craftmanship that’s imaginably created through more emotional thought processes.
The quality of the RBA artwork serves us well. I was gripped by the expressive urban landscape, the excellent use of pastel describing water, the portrait styled from the artist’s perspective, the colourful abstract perspicaciously winning fine standards.
It was absolutely buzzing with people enjoying the triumphant variety of different techniques of RBA artworks, and the Society’s esteemed Rome Scholarship for young artists; this is where you’ll discover the climbing art stars of tomorrow. I enjoyed chatting to gallery visitors about the memorable art on show. Looking around, they said, “I could live with this one and that one…I’ve returned to this exhibition so many times since it opened because there’s so much nice art – that I really, really, like!..It’s a very varied exhibition…Reasonably priced!”

I love meeting the exhibition visitors, and talk with them about all things art.  For me, the Mall Galleries, is the most perfect location to have a heart-to-heart about art over coffee.  I feel very much at home at The Mall Galleries.  The crowds of visitors obviously do too.  Plus, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Honorary Secretary, Brenda Davies, whose hard work in supporting the RBA pays off.

I love meeting the exhibition visitors, and talk with them about all things art. For me, the Mall Galleries, is the most perfect location to have a heart-to-heart about art over coffee. I feel very much at home at The Mall Galleries. The crowds of visitors obviously do too. Plus, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Honorary Secretary, Brenda Davies, whose hard work in supporting the RBA pays off.

RBA Autumn News

The following members will be showing some works at
The Geedon Gallery
Jaggers, Fingringhoe, Colchester Essex C05 7DN
Also included will be wood engravings, paintings, sculpture, jewellery and ceramics from other artists as well as works by
Hon RBA Jacqueline Taber (Owner of the gallery) and her son A. Lincoln Taber
The show runs from October 5th – 20th 2019

Fred Cuming, RA Hon RBA “Evening Fairground”

Nicholas Verrall “Little shop, Provence”

David Brammeld “Autumn Tree”

Annie Boisseau “Drifting Clouds”

Ann Heat “Missing the Feed”

Cheryl Culver
 has been invited to show 7 works at The Biscuit Factory in their Autumn Exhibition in September:
The Biscuit Factory
16 Stoddart Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1AN
The PV is on Friday 6th September
Cheryl will be showing 2 pastels … and 5 oils! – The latest successful addition to her range of skills!

Sarah Spackman 
is one of the RBA’s newest members and she has a show coming up in September with the PV on the 7th.  The exhibition runs until 27th September at the Sarah Wiseman Gallery in Oxford:
Malcolm Taylor RBA PS PMAFA is our other newest member.  He is also the newly elected President of the Manchester Academy Of Fine Arts and he has a work included in:

The RBA Exhibition at Trent Art Gallery in September

Other members whose work will be included in the Trent Art Show:

Akash Bhatt RBA RWS
Annie Boisseau RBA
David Brammeld RBA PS RBSA Pastellist de France
Joyce W Cairns PRSA Hon RBA RSW
Austin Cole RBA ASGFA
Cheryl Culver RBA PPPS
Mick Davies PRBA
Ann Heat RBA
Bridget Moore Sen RBA NEAC RWS
Susie Perring RBA
Melvyn Petterson RBA NEAC
David Sawyer RBA
Will Taylor RBA
Terry Watts RBA
Robert E Wells RBA NEAC
Anthony Yates RBA RBSA
The PV is on 5th September and the show runs until the 28th

Mick Davies is one of three Chelsea Arts Club members celebrating the opening night of their exhibitions on:
Tuesday 3rd September
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm at
The Chelsea Arts Club
143 Old Church Street, London SW3 6EB

Mrs Hokusai’s Hairdo

Fred Cuming will be taking part in the following shows this year:
“Igniting Sight” group show at Sladers Yard, Bridport
from 6th July – 8th September,
Bridge Point Studios in Rye, East Sussex
from 13th September – 15th October,
Adam Gallery, solo show opening in London & then showing
in Bath during September

Austin Cole had two of his landscape prints accepted for the
Westmorland Landscape Prize exhibition at Rheged Centre, Cumbria
The show opens on 13th September and runs until the 10th November

Tony Yates has been instrumental in organising an exhibition celebrating the life and work of Northern artist the late Katherine Fryer, painter, printmaker, and designer. Tony has written the forward to the very impressive exhibition catalogue, which also contains input from the late Arthur Lockwood, RBA
Katherine Mary Fryer
‘Life’s Journey’
2nd–21st September 2019
Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
RBSA Gallery, Brook Street, Birmingham B3 1SA

And once more news from some of our RBA RISING STARS:

Georgina Lowbridge – her painting “Too Much Fun” which was featured in the last “Good News” I sent out, has since won the “People’s Choice Award” at the Wells Contemporary Art Show
“Too Much Fun”

Charlie Schaffer – who won this year’s major prize in the BP Portrait Awards, is showing his painting “The Artist, self-portrait” at an exhibition called “Face To Face” at Cass Art’s flagship Store in Islington London.  The show brings together artists exhibiting in the BP Awards 2019 and includes a panel discussion with the artists.
The Space, Cass Art, 66-67 Colebrooke Row, Islington N1 8AB
5th – 29th September
PV 5th September 6.00 – 8.00 pm
“The Artist, self-portrait”
Alice Boggis-Rolfe has a show coming up in October:
Shoals & Shadows
340 Kings Road, London SW3 5UR
Tuesday – Sunday 10am- 6.30pm, Monday 10am – 2pm
Private Views on Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th October (6.30-9pm)
Blaze Cyan has her Arboreal solo exhibition of etchings, drawings, woodcuts and wood engravings at:
Leith Hill Place
Leith Hill Lane, Leith Hill, Surrey, RH5 6LY

Exhibition: Friday 30th August – Sunday 27th October 2019
Opening Times: Friday – Sunday: 11am – 5pm
Meet the Artist & wood engraving demo: Sat 21st Sept 11-30am-3pm
Meet the Artist & wood engraving demo: Sun 6th Oct 11-30am-3pm

“The Oak, Richmond” – Etching


Late Summer News


Guy Portelli collected handprints of musicians who played at the Isle of Wight Festival in 68, 69 & 70 and the work was shown at Gallery Different until 20th July.  The work is not finished yet as he still has a number of handprints to go – Andy Roberts from Liverpool Scene who played in 69 & 70 was photographed with his hand on his hand:

The piece will be at The Million Dollar Bash – an event celebrating 50 years since the IOW stole Bob Dylan from Woodstock…this takes place on 31st August with a ‘cracking’ line up!! Maybe members might like a trip to re-live their youth at the Festival?
The info on the work is at

Jacqueline Taber had 3 pictures in the Colchester Arts Society Summer Exhibition at the Minories, High Street, Colchester.
This took place in July

Frederick Cuming will be taking part in the following shows this year:

“Igniting Sight” group show at Sladers Yard, Bridport
from 6th July – 8th September,
Bridge Point Studios in Rye, East Sussex
from 13th September – 15th October,
Adam Gallery, solo show opening in London & then showing
in Bath during September

Austin Cole had two of his landscape prints accepted for the Westmorland Landscape Prize exhibition to be held in Penrith in September

Richard Sorrell is exhibiting at The Table gallery throughout August

The Table, 43 Lion Street, Hay on Wye, HR3 5AA
Thursday – Saturday 10-4 or by appointment

Callum Stannard, sculptor, one of our newer RBA members and one of the RBA’s original RISING STARS, is now being represented by:
Braxted Park Road
Tiptree (near Great Braxted)
Colchester, CO5 0QB, UK

News from our RBA RISING STARS, past and present:

Blaze Cyan:  Arboreal solo exhibition of etchings, drawings, woodcuts and wood engravings at:
Leith Hill Place: Leith Hill Lane, Leith Hill, Surrey, RH5 6LY

Exhibition: Friday 30th August – Sunday 27th October 2019
Opening Times: Friday – Sunday: 11am – 5pm
Meet the Artist & wood engraving demo: Sat 21st Sept 11-30am-3pm
Meet the Artist & wood engraving demo: Sun 6th Oct 11-30am-3pm

Georgina Lowbridge had a painting selected for the Wells Contemporary Art Exhibition, which took place at the Bishops Palace, Wells, Somerset

Charlie Schaffer, the winner of this year’s BP Portrait Award, led an exhibition tour of this year’s exhibition in July.  He also gave a talk with fellow exhibitor, Vanessa Garwood, talking about a few of their favourite paintings within the exhibition as well as their own, along with a Q&A session

Natalia Glinoer, Rome Scholarship winner in 2017, has now completed her year at The Heatherley School of Fine Art and showed her work in the Graduates’ Exhibition in July:

Teresa Hunyadi, Rome Scholarship winner 2018, has a new solo exhibition “Places of Comfort”, an exhibition conceived
to be experienced by touch and sight
until the 18th August at:
The Patriothall Gallery
WASPS Scotland,
Stockbridge, Edinburgh, EH2 5AY

Alex J Wood was recently filmed in his studio and at TV studios creating new work for a TV programme called ‘The Object of Art’.  He has also been working on a new bronze sculpture called ‘Blow Out!’ which is based on the old oil fields at Venice Beach in California and combines multiple patinas onto the surface of the bronze

Still from the filming of ‘The Object of Art’

“Blow Out”

Donated Painting by Ken Howard OBE Hon RBA PPNEAC RA ROI Raffle Winner announced

Ken Howard OBE Hon RBA PPNEAC RA ROI kindly donated a painting (approximate value £5,000) as a Raffle Prize for the RBA.
The work is entitled ‘Fondamente Nove’. Image Size 22cm x 27 cm.

We are delighted to announce that the Winner of the Ken Howard raffle was Mark Sutherland.
The RBA collected nearly £1375 to be shared between the Artists General Benevolent Institute and the RBA.

Many thanks to Ken Howard who donated his painting and to all who bought tickets.


Photographs of the 2019 RBA Private View

William de Laszlo, Nick Tidnam
& Thomasz Schafernaker

Clare O’Brien & David Brammeld

Tara Versey wins the Rome Scholarship

Nick Tidnam & Prize Giver Michael Harding

Alan Lambirth receives his prize from
Michael Harding

Some Members of the Hanging Committee

Clive Duncan receives his prize from
Thomasz Schafernaker

The Threadneedle Space