Estelle Lovatt visits the Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition

It was both a delight and thrill to be the ‘Art Expert in Residence’ for yet another Mall Galleries exhibition; The Royal Society of British Artists (RBA).
On my arrival, I was greeted by a monumental bronze sculpture, sculpted by invited artist, Michael Sandle RA, Honorary Member of the Society (reproduced by kind permission of Flowers Gallery, ‘As Ye Sow So Shall Ye Reap: An Allegory (Acknowledgement to Holman Hunt)’.
There’s something magical about the RBA exhibition. The level of creative talent and artistic ability that’s in the painting, sculpture, printmaking and drawing, is top quality. It’s a varied and wide-ranging exhibition, fused with Classicalism, where the figurative, intellectual theory and style is more formal, in comparison with the abstract, Contemporary, personal craftmanship that’s imaginably created through more emotional thought processes.
The quality of the RBA artwork serves us well. I was gripped by the expressive urban landscape, the excellent use of pastel describing water, the portrait styled from the artist’s perspective, the colourful abstract perspicaciously winning fine standards.
It was absolutely buzzing with people enjoying the triumphant variety of different techniques of RBA artworks, and the Society’s esteemed Rome Scholarship for young artists; this is where you’ll discover the climbing art stars of tomorrow. I enjoyed chatting to gallery visitors about the memorable art on show. Looking around, they said, “I could live with this one and that one…I’ve returned to this exhibition so many times since it opened because there’s so much nice art – that I really, really, like!..It’s a very varied exhibition…Reasonably priced!”

I love meeting the exhibition visitors, and talk with them about all things art.  For me, the Mall Galleries, is the most perfect location to have a heart-to-heart about art over coffee.  I feel very much at home at The Mall Galleries.  The crowds of visitors obviously do too.  Plus, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Honorary Secretary, Brenda Davies, whose hard work in supporting the RBA pays off.

I love meeting the exhibition visitors, and talk with them about all things art. For me, the Mall Galleries, is the most perfect location to have a heart-to-heart about art over coffee. I feel very much at home at The Mall Galleries. The crowds of visitors obviously do too. Plus, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Honorary Secretary, Brenda Davies, whose hard work in supporting the RBA pays off.