Final Post from Rome Scholarship 2018 Winner Teresa Hunyadi

Over the past weeks I have been fascinated by the wide spread of signs for blind people in support of self directed navigation around public transport and places!

Last year’s Rome Scholarship recipient Natalia Glinoer made sure I did not miss San Luigi dei Francesi and Caravaggio’s work there. This is a wonderful opportunity to see religious art in its intended environment. After my visit at Villa Borghese my admiration towards Caravaggio could not have been compared with Canova or Bernini, but this visit changed my mind again. Caravaggio’s Inspiration of St. Matthew was after all one of my favourites of the past weeks.

It was delightful that some of my family members were able to visit me for a week-end. 20 years ago, I was in awe when my Dad showed me Michelango’s Moses in Rome. We went back there to see this sculpture together again, this time adding the Risen Christs by Michelangelo and Bernini too. I could not have had a better tour guide growing up!

I happened to start my stay in Rome with the Caracalla ruins and it turned out that I ended my stay with them too. I wasn’t quite sure if I went there again to mainly see the opera or to see Mauro Staccioli’s sculptures light by night!

Going to Musei Capitolini on my last full day in Rome was the last bit of input I could manage. It was wonderful. More draping, more incredible compositions transferred to stone and me looking forward to get back to my studio in the north!

Villa Adriana

Night walk – Fontana delle Tartarughe

Musei Capitolini

Michelangelo’s Moses

Teresa’s colleagues next to Sala 1 – Sandro Sanna and Ak2deru

Staccioli’s work at Caracalla by night