January 2019 News Update for the RBA

Honorary Member Joyce Cairns has been elected the first female President of the Royal Scottish Academy in 192 years.

The following members have works in the Mini Picture Show at the Bankside Gallery until 20th January:
Jill Leman
Meg Dutton
Martin Leman
Bridget Moore
Richard Sorrell
Annie Williams

Peter Newsome is exhibiting work with the M1 Gallery

Martyn Baldwin has works at the M1 Gallery in Central London

John Sprakes is working on a book to be published in the early months of 2019 – more details to follow

Anthony Lester FRBA is working on a book for the RI to be produced later in the year – more details to follow


Teresa Hunyadi will have a solo show in Edinburgh next August – details to follow
Blaze Cyan has work in the Mini Picture show at the Bankside
Emma Fineman had work in the Futures show at the Mall Gallery
Joshua von Uexkull also had work selected for the Futures show