November News Updates for the RBA

Peter Kelly has a one-man show in the Chapel Galleries, Chapel, Essex, which runs until the 2nd December

John Sprakes is working on a book to be published in the new year

Sue Campion’s solo show is at the Russell Gallery, 12 Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London SW15 1JP and continues until the 24th November:

Christopher Miers invites you to visit his show at the Panter & Hall Gallery, 22 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4HE from 13th – 25th November:

Instead of private views, refreshments will be served during the exhibition. Christopher will be present throughout. All welcome!

Terry Watts has work in the Coastline Exhibition at the Store Street Gallery, 32 Store Street London WC1E 7BS until 19th November:

Annie Boisseau has a work in the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition, which runs from the 15th – 25th November at the Mall Galleries.

Cheryl Culver has four pastel paintings in the Russell Gallery Christmas Show.

Alice Irwin has a show called ‘A Life Live with Play” at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park 27th Oct – 4th Nov and also has a work in the Flowers’ Gallery “Small is Beautiful” show in Cork Street, London and this runs from 29th November – 5th January.