RBA Alexandra Palace Theatre Visit

The short video above was made by Richard Smith who is a ‘Friend’ of Alexandra Palace and features the first RBA visit to the theatre.

Some of the members of the RBA who have expressed their interest in the Alexandra Palace project, enjoyed a ‘Hard Hat’ tour of the renovation works at the theatre and other parts of ‘Ally Pally’.  The tour was led by James Atkinson and Laura Howard from the Alexandra Park and Palace Charitable Trust.

We were able to see the extensive work which is being carried out in the effort to bring the Victorian Theatre back to life and the immensity of the task being undertaken.  The work is largely dependent on charitable donations and it is unclear whether the theatre can be totally restored, but it is planned to be reopened by the end of the year.  The RBA members who wish to participate in this project will have their work exhibited in the theatre foyer for the opening of the theatre.

There is more video information at these links:


And there is a great deal of fascinating information and photographs from the Alley Pally archives, which can be found here: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/alexandra-palace.  You will need to allow plenty of time to explore!