RBA May News 2020

RBA May News 2020

Martin Leman has a selection of his new works [received by the gallery just before London’s lockdown!] online at the M1 Gallery:

The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists [RBSA] have an online exhibition of some of their members’ works and these include RBA members:

David Brammeld

‘Dark Wood’

Anthony Yates

‘The Catholic, Easter Sunday’

Wayne Attwood Hon RBA PRBSA:

‘Will I always feel this way?’

Anthony Yates also has some works in the ‘Lyrical Colourists’ exhibition at the Fosse Gallery – this show has also been transferred online until the 4th June.  His work for this show was inspired by his recent Italian trip and more images as well as a continuation of his blog can be seen in “Latest News” on the RBA website

Anthony Yates
‘Music in the Square, Montmarcello’

Cheryl Culver has made a video called Art in Lockdown, which can be viewed on YouTube

Art in Lockdown – Cheryl Culver PPPS RBA Paintings

Some of our ‘RISING STARS’ are still doing well, including:

Ruth Murray who has just won the Jackson’s Painting Prize 2020 for her work ‘Geraniums’.  She has received the main prize of £5000 and says that the award “… was a wonderful surprise!” and “It’s a huge privilege and honour. The prize means a great deal, particularly in these uncertain times. It will go a long way in supporting my practice.”


Ruth Murray

Alice Boggis-Rolfe’s website http://www.aliceboggis-rolfe.com shows her online exhibition ‘INDIA’ and her works which were scheduled to be shown with the British Art Portfolio, can now be seen online at their website:

‘Tomatoes in a Moroccan Bowl’

Alice Boggis-Rolfe

[Our members Sue Campion and Frederick Cuming also have works in the same online exhibition]

Alex J Wood is probably familiar to us all now – here he is smiling broadly behind Tracey Emin at the Terrence Higgins Trust Auction 2020 at Christies:

Alex says: “Earlier this month I exhibited alongside Tracey Emin, Howard Hodgkin and many other big name artists at Christies. I was over the moon as ‘Blow Out’ my watercolour of an oil derrick, sold for £500 with all the money going to help Terrence Higgins Trust.”

‘Blow Out’

Alex J Wood

Another Alexander – Alex Glass [who also had a work in the Christies auction in support of the Terrence Higgins Trust – see ‘March Good News’] has informed us about the following project, which is helping artists in these difficult days:
The Artist Support Pledge is an initiative set up by the artist Matthew Burrows as a reaction to the effect of COVID-19 on artists everywhere. The idea is to create a network of generosity and support whilst things are so precarious.   Alexander Glass is supporting this initiative himself and also making extra donations to The British Red Cross for any sales made.  His ‘shop’ is here: https://www.alexanderglasssculpture.com/shop


Alex Glass


  • If you need a break from your own studio, there are also online tours of some galleries and museums including The British Museum, The Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, The Courtauld Gallery and The National Galleries of Scotland.  Lectures, videos and talks can also be found online. My favourite is the film: Documentary: inside ‘Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse’ on the RA website [also recommended by our Denis Baxter]
  • For those who live/work/studied or were born in Northern England, the ‘New Light Real Northern Art’ exhibition is inviting entries until the 31st May https://newlight-art.org.uk/prize-exhibition/
  • Other upcoming news is that the Mall are thinking about a mixed online exhibition for the FBA Societies during the summer.  This is very much at the ‘thinking’ stage, as there will be many things for them to consider – not least that there are probably over 800 members altogether!
  • The ‘virtual’ exhibition at The Royal Over-Seas League will be happening online soon – the launch will be next Wednesday 13th May at this link http://www.rosl.org.uk/rbaonline.  The problem was that the laptop, which was being used ‘at home’ to mount the exhibition, was not powerful enough for the rather complicated programme being used to show the works ‘in situ’ in the gallery.  However Liam Culver, like a knight in shining armour using a more powerful computer rather than a white horse, has come to the rescue.  He has worked hard to organise the show, although he has never used the programme before and we have fingers and toes crossed that he will be successful!
  • We are aware that some of our members are unwell at the moment [not Covid-19 so far as we know] and others are recovering from surgery or are suffering because their planned surgeries or treatments have had to be delayed.  We wish them all well and hope that you will all please keep in touch with us and let us know how things are going.
  • We also thought it might be a good idea to share some ‘smiles’ at this difficult time and so, if you have some which you would like us to share with other members, whether they be videos, jokes or cartoons, please let us have them [we shall have the first giggles] and then we will send them out to the members. We know that this first video has been around for a while and you may well have seen it, but it’s one of our  favourite songs and apologies if you are offended by the political message:


And this one will also hopefully raise a smile too:


You may need to copy and paste all these to your internet browser.