RBA News January – March 2021

It is quite difficult to find cheering news at the moment, but we have found the following ‘newsy’ items:

This show at the Russell Gallery is still on – running until the end of January:
Russell Gallery: Mixed Christmas Exhibition
12 Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London SW15 1JP

The show at Watts Contemporary Gallery is still on until the 21st February:
‘In Print: 2020 Vision’
Nicola Slattery and Melvyn Petterson are among the artists showing.
The gallery is in Down Lane, Compton, Surrey GU3 1Q

‘Butterfly’ – Nicola Slattery

Carole Griffin has an article in the January edition of the Artist Magazine. She is demonstrating how to paint roses using watercolour, and her final piece will be in the RBA Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries:

‘Fresh and Fluid’ article – Carole Griffin

Hon RBA Ken Howard OBE RA, will be having his second solo exhibition with

the Portland Gallery, 3 Bennet street, London SW1A 1RP
from 25th March – 16th April

The Royal West of England Annual Open Exhibition – is online only and can be seen here: https://www.rwa.org.uk/collections/art-exhibitions/products/rwa-168-annual-open-exhibition
Among the artists are RBA members:

News from some of the RBA RISING STARS

Included in the Royal West of England Exhibition:

Owain Hunt was also Included in the Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition 2020:

‘Portrait of Two Mother’ – Owain Hunt

Included in the Ruth Borchard Collection virtual exhibition: “The Artist in His Studio” is Charlie Schaffer [he won the BP Portrait Award in 2019]. His painting “Self-portrait with Rembrandt’s Jewish Bride” has been shortlisted for the Sequested Prize a competition created to show self-portraits made throughout the first 6 months of lockdown:

‘Self-portrait with Rembrandt’s Jewish Bride’ – Charlie Schaffer

And Alice Boggis-Rolfe has been awarded the Diana Brooks Prize at this year’s Art For Youth [online] exhibition:

‘Still Life in Yellow and Blue’ – Alice Boggis-Rolfe