RBA Newsletter – Spring 2023

Following such a successful Exhibition despite all the difficulties, it’s good to have some further good news to share from RBA Members and RBA RISING STARS.

We have two new members who were elected to the RBA at our AGM at the end of the exhibition:

Hun Adamoğlu

       Hun Adamoğlu  

John Scott Martin

John Scott Martin

We warmly welcome them both!

We also have 2 new Honorary Members – Huaicun Zhang


And – Alex Lidagovsky 


And a new Fellow of the RBA – Alistair Redgrift


We are delighted to welcome all three of them!

I spotted 2 familiar names at the recent RI Exhibition at the Mall Galleries:

Habib Hajallie

Habib Hajallie  

Chris Myers

Chris Myers

Good news also from Cheryl Culver, who tells me she has ten pastel paintings in the M1 Landscape Exhibition in Greenwich, opening 21st April (Postponed until further notice) and three works in the Russell Gallery Summer Exhibition. 

Congratulations Sarah Spackman who was recently elected to the ROI


Hon RBA Shanti Panchal invites us to look at this interview by Studio International – it gives a fascinating insight to his work and early life in India, as well as serving as a reminder that his work “Endurance” which is a community portrait of people and places in Brixton, can still be seen at the entrance to Brixton underground station – it is a community portrait of people and places in Brixton:




Mick Davies won The Artist Magazine award at the RBA 2022 show and the 6 page article about his work, with many explanations and clues to his thinking and ways of working, was published in their February ’23 edition:


It is always interesting to hear news from RBA RISING STARS, and it was very pleasing to see some of them in the RBA Exhibition this year – the selection committee did not have the artists’ names when they were selecting them, so all these young artists were in the show on merit:

Toby Gawler tells me that he recently won the ‘De Lazlo Young Artist Prize’ at Green & Stone’s Summer Exhibition and then was included in an Exhibition of “Tutors and De Laszlo Scholars” at the London Fine Art Studios in February – and this is where I spotted work from Rosalie Watkins too:

Tedi Lena had his work Artist and Poet” Alan Gouk shortlisted for the 9th Edition ArtGeminiPrize 2022 and another work “My Town”
( St Johns Wood High Street, London) exhibited by the Howden Company, in London:

I am reminded that Chris Polunin had some of his works selected for the last ROI Exhibition at the Mall:

Mick and I were lucky enough to see Thomas Merrett’s solo show at 54 The Gallery, Shepherd Market in London.  It was called THE LISTENERS & other works:

Ruth Murray had a two person show in March at Rogue Project Space in Manchester

Ruth Murray

The only other good news I have to share is that, thanks to the generosity of all those who attended the recent RBA Buffet Supper [those who bought the tickets as well as those who donated prizes] as a result of our raffle we were able to donate £301 to the ‘Artists’ General Benevolent Institute’ [AGBI] and £600 to ‘Voices of Children’ in support of the children of Ukraine.