RBA Spring News 2021

The RBA Exhibition is now online and looking good! Let’s hope that we will be able to see it at the Mall Galleries in April – for most of us it has been a very long time since we visited any exhibition in person, so fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, there are some great online shows at the moment and here are a few:

At the Chappel Galleries there is the Winter Exhibition 2021, “Portraits and People in Paintings”, although they are hoping to open the gallery from the 12th April. Hon RBA member Shanti Panchal is one of the featured artists and he gives a really fascinating talk about his life and paintings on video, which can be seen here:


The Gallery is at 15 Colchester Road, Chappel, Essex CO6 2DE


Anthony Yates has a solo show at the Fosse Gallery, Stow-on-the-Wold, called ‘Out of Darkness’ which until the 27th March can be seen here:


The exhibition highlights 25 of Tony’s works that includes sketchbook studies as well as works new and a few previously seen elsewhere, which all fit well together.


Another online exhibition is Melissa Scott-Miller ‘London Paintings’ at the Twenty Twenty Gallery in Ludlow. The show takes you on a walk from Mayfair through to Tower Hamlets, interspersed with views of Islington back gardens


Melissa also has a video ‘Backs of Houses’ which is on the RBA page on the Mall Galleries website, but can also be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2523pBxmfPo

Hon RBA Ken Howard OBE RA has his second solo exhibition with
The Portland Gallery, 3 Bennet street · London SW1A 1RP
from 25th March – 16th April


The Geedon Gallery, Jaggers, Colchester CO5 7DN, is holding its
Spring Exhibition 2021 from the 27th March – 11th April. http://www.geedongallery.co.uk/exhibitions/spring-exhibition-2021/

Included are works by some of our RBA Members:




News from some of the RBA RISING STARS:

Merlin Bateman-Paris had his work ‘Portrait of a Clown’ included in the Pastel Society Annual Exhibition:

And our RBA Exhibition 2021 contains works from several of our
RBA RISING STARS past and present: