RBA Tribute to Rebecca Cains RBA RWA

Rebecca Cains RBA RWS

It is with great sadness that we learned of the recent passing of RBA member and friend, Rebecca Cains.

The President, Council and members of the RBA send our sincere condolences to Rebecca’s family and loved ones

Some Messages & Thoughts from those who knew her:

Rebecca was a lovely, lively lady who will be a loss to the Society and to the art world. It was great working with her and she always made sensible and interesting observations and contributions to the running of the RBA Council. We are all shocked and devastated. My heartfelt sympathy for all her family and friends
Mick Davies President RBA

Rebecca had a wonderful eye for detail and observation in her paintings. The main subject matter was unusual, but I think she was able to sense the life and experiences the wrecked vehicles had had. In spite of all her own personal difficulties, she did have a wonderful sense of humour and a zest for living. It is so tragic to think we have lost someone who was only in the early stages of what might have been a very fulfilling and satisfactory artistic career.
Denis Baxter RBA

I am so sorry to hear the sad news about Rebecca. It was indeed very shocking; she was such a positive person, always very friendly and easy to chat to. Please pass on my condolences to her family. I know she will be greatly missed by all who knew her
Annie Boisseau RBA

Eileen and I are very, very sorry to hear of the sad loss of Rebecca. She was a wonderful, talented, imaginative artist who will be greatly missed by so many people. My sincere condolences to her family
David Sprakes RBA

This is very sad news indeed – I had no idea she’d been ill. I remember supporting her application for membership and I was delighted when she was elected – a breath of fresh air! I’m very sad to hear it – what a rubbish year this is turning out to be!
Chris Aggs RBA

So sorry to hear the sad news about Rebecca. Such a young life lost. At least Rebecca has left a legacy with her paintings. All these sorrows at such a difficult time. Barbara and I send our heartfelt sympathy.
John Sprakes RBA

I’m so sorry to hear about Rebecca Cains. I never met her or had any contact with her, but I know her work. It is such very sad news
Liam Culver Fellow RBA

Terrible news – so sorry to hear
Carole Griffin RBA

So sorry. A terribly sad loss!
Martyn Baldwin RBA

What such sad news; we’re very sorry to hear it. Thinking of you and all at the RBA
Alistair Redgrift [Mall Galleries]

This is such a tragic loss, her work had that stamp of being readily recognizable, such skill to master composition on a big scale and a huge personality. She was one of those people who lit up the space she occupied and will leave a hole in the artistic life of her native city. I was immensely privileged to meet and eventually to know her
David Paul Rowan RBA

So sad to hear of this news. Please accept my condolences
Francis Drasar, Hon Treasurer RBA

It is so hard to believe that we have lost such an active member of our RBA family.
Guy Portelli RBA

Although we knew she was ill, it still came as a shock and both John and I send love to her family for their huge loss. The RBA has lost an excellent artist and a willing Member and Council Member.

We are both so sorry to hear about Rebecca. It is so shocking to hear this news, she was far too young and as you say full of life. I didn’t know her that well, but we had some good chats together.
Cheryl Culver RBA

Sad news indeed. I’m gutted to hear this after thinking that she had got over the worse. Not a lot more l can add really just to say l will be thinking of her and her family during what must be an awful time.
Austin Cole RBA

This is such terrible news. She was such fun to be with. I can’t believe someone so young and vibrant has been taken from us. So very sad. I’ll miss her lots.
David Brammeld RBA

That’s so terrible, she was so lovely and a great painter, I’m absolutely devastated to hear that news.
Melissa Scott-Miller RBA

I am so sorry and upset to read such sad news. I knew she was battling the bloody cancer – we’d chatted about it whenever we bumped into each other at the RBA ‘do’s and she did tell me how it had come back and her struggles with the treatment. She was very brave about all that she was coping with and I have wondered often how she had been doing during this wretched time of Covid and the Lockdown. Although I didn’t know her terribly well she was full of life and sparkle and I’m stunned at this news. I think both she and her strong meticulous paintings were a real asset to the RBA.
Bridget Moore RBA

It was an enjoyment to be around Rebecca, her enthusiasm for the arts will be sorely missed.
Lewis Hazelwood-Horner RBA

I am so sorry for her family – such a tragic loss as a person and as an artist.
Nick Tidnam PPRBA

I feel awful at the news that Rebecca’s life has been cut so short. She was a lovely girl and she will be terribly missed. I have got to know her since the Ally Pally project and we shared some nice moments together chatting at the Christmas Party, at PV’s etc. Of course I knew she had health problems but didn’t realise quite how bad these were – she hid these facts well. Apart from these times I’ve not really had any other contact with her and so don’t really know what to say or do as we really weren’t that close, although when with her she was always so warm and friendly.
Anthony Yates RBA

It has made me feel so very sad. Life is so unfair for some. I remember her work well. I am sure her family are devastated by her loss
Judith Gardner RBA

My deepest condolences to all Rebecca’s family at this difficult time. She will be greatly missed by members of the RBA – as will her wonderful personality – and the many contributions and work she did as a council member of the society.
Meg Dutton, Vice President RBA

I am so very sorry to hear that she has died, how very sad. Please pass on my condolences to her family.
Sarah Spackman RBA

Just as her work enhanced any RBA exhibitions, her presence at any RBA function made it a more joyful occasion for everybody around her. We will all miss her very much.
Terry Watts RBA

Vibrant and full of life, she will be sadly missed.  She was like a ray of sunshine who always radiated happiness and positivity.  She will leave an echo of her smile in our memories.
Jon Pryke RBA

I cannot attend Rebecca’s funeral but I would like to add my thoughts and condolence to her family and friends.
The vitality in her work will live on and her unique paintings will be revered for decades to come. A great loss to the RBA. She will be missed
Clive Duncan RBA

Unfortunately I am unable to attend the funeral, but please be reassured that my thoughts will be concentrating on what should be a celebration of Rebecca’s life. I do so hope a prominent gallery in Bristol take into care some of her inspirational paintings. It is so sad to lose someone so young and very sad for the RBA to lose a popular young artist.
Miranda Halsby RBA

All of us at M1 Fine Art were devastated to hear of Rebecca’s passing. We considered her a true friend of the gallery and a uniquely talented artist.

We all remember her with a huge, beautiful smile on her face, often having fantastic, fun photos being taken of herself in front of her stunning artwork. We’ll miss her (very welcome) impromptu visits to the gallery terribly and of course RBA exhibition events with us will undoubtedly be a lot less lively without her there.

Whenever I see an abandoned car, I’ll think of Rebecca and I’m sure I’ll find myself with a smile on my face, just as I always did whenever I had the privilege of spending time with her.

A real loss to the art world and anyone who ever met Rebecca I’m sure. Our thoughts are with her family and close friends.
Peter McAllister & colleagues at the M1 Gallery

We are all feeling so very sad! I know I am speaking for everybody who knew Rebecca at the RBA when I say we will miss her a lot. She was a friendly vibrant character who always had a smile and a warm greeting and she always really enjoyed and supported the social activities of the Society. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to all those who loved her and we are very grateful to have known her and her distinctive and skilful work.
Brenda Davies, Hon Secretary RBA

This comes with love from us all at the RBA