RBA Winter Newsletter

Denis Baxter: An Artist’s Creative Journey This is a retrospective exhibition in the Kenny Gallery at the Royal West of England Academy. Denis was born in 1936 and still today says that he hopes for his artistic development to never be static, as he continues exploring new avenues to express ideas and to keep the process alive and exciting. He will be showing etchings, watercolours, oil paintings and ceramic sculptures.

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Malcolm Ashman is helping Denis with the hanging of the exhibition which will run from the 13 Dec 2022 – 8th Jan 2023

Denis Baxter: An Artist’s Creative Journey

Habib Hajalli, one of our newest/youngest members and one of our original RBA RISING STARS, could really have a newsletter all to himself, as he has so much going on. Here is a sample:

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  • He will be ‘Artist in Residence’ at the Watts Gallery in Surrey until April ’23
  • He has also been selected as one of the recipients of The Samuel Ross Black British Artists Grants!
  • He is 1 of the 8 artists selected as part of the first cohort of UAL’s Decolonising Arts Institute 20/20 programme. He’ll be working with Pallant House Gallery over the next 15 months as an artist-in-residence
  • He raised over £1000 to give over 100 orphaned children in Sierra Leone food and Christmas presents!

Congratulations Habib! Especially receiving that award at the Saatchi Gallery!

HonRBA Shanti Panchal was recently interviewed online about his life and work by David Glasser from the Ben Uri Gallery & Museum, and also discussed was his amazing large scale mural ‘Endurance’ which was commissioned by Transport for London and can now be seen at Brixton Underground Station for one year – there will also be prints of the work at other tube stations:

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Vicky Oldfield has a new book ‘MIXED MEDIA COLLAGRAPHS PRINTS’. It explains a range of techniques from drypoint to collagraph, as well as viscosity printing and mixed media. It has great reviews and is available from Amazon:

Vicky Oldfield

David Sprakes  is showing 4 sculptures with LE BLANC FINE ART, Saxby, Leicestershire until the end of December:

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RBA Members who showed work in the Discerning Eye Exhibition at the Mall Galleries were:


Sarah Spackman will be showing work in Assemble 23 with the Tregony Gallery from 1st-14th February

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She will also be running a 1 day course, “Colour Mixing with Oil Paint” for Hampshire Art Studio on the 20th March 2023

Several of our members are showing in the Russell Gallery Christmas Show:





Callum Stannard has been too shy to mention that has been elected a member of the Society of Portrait Sculptors – Well Done Callum!!


Our RBA RISING STARS are still letting us know about their accomplishments – and it is always good to hear from them:
Showing their work in the Discerning Eye were:

Natalia Glinoer

Natalia Glinoer

Henrietta MacPhee

Henrietta MacPhee

Ethan Caflisch tells us that he is donating 25% of the proceeds on the sale of ‘The country I come from’ (ten landscapes VII) to Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services.  He says “They’ve been around my hometown of Oshkosh longer than I have, providing vital and free services to victims of domestic abuse”.

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More of Ethan’s work can be seen here:

Sadly we are too late to tell you about Diana Zrnic’s solo exhibition which took place at The Stone Space Gallery in East London – it ran from 27th Oct to 20th November

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More of Diana’s work is here: https://dianazrnic.wixsite.com/portfolio

Ruth Murray has been busy during November and December showing works at the Manchester Art Fair and The Manchester Contemporary.  She says her work ‘Pope’s Den’ was in the group exhibition: Cool, Warm, Hot with Division of Labour at The Art House in Worcester.  She also included some of her ceramic work in the exhibition too.

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‘Pope’s Den’

Eleni Maragaki’s work ‘Silver Light’ was one of those selected to represent Central Saint Martins UAL in The Graduation Show at The Woolff Gallery in Charlotte Street in London.

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The exhibition can still be seen here:

Rufus Martin won the Tiranti Prize at the Society of Portrait Sculptors FACE 22 exhibition, which took place in The Garrison Chapel, Chelsea Barracks London.  He received the award for his work ‘Isaac’:
Rufus Martin


Also featured in the same exhibition were Poppy Field and Thomas Merrett – and Thomas is now serving on the Council of the Society of Portrait Sculptors – well done Thomas!

Minyoung Choi had a solo show  ‘Always There’ with the Lychee One Gallery in Hackney, London.  The show took place November – December.  She was showing a new body of work she had been working on:

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Minyoung also took part in ‘Pounding the pavement’ a group show at Galeria Pelaires in Spain

Another young artist who had a solo show was Yeonsu Ju, who had the exhibition at The Room London Gallery in Islington, London.  She also had work in the  Gazelli Art House and participated in the Delphian open call 2022 exhibition:

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Miroslav Pomichal is showing work in a group show called ‘Bread and Games’ at the Aleph Contemporary at the Bindery, 53 Hatton Garden, London.  This show is on until the 12th January 2023

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Alex Wood had a solo exhibition ‘Explorer’ at the Museum of Contemporary Art London [MOCA]



Alex’s sculptures, and some of his paintings, are still available to be seen at  the Paul Smith Store and online in their catalogue:


Apologies go to those whose exhibitions did not get a mention whilst they were still on.